(Video in English, French and Spanish)

Applies to following products:

  • CM40 series
  • CM70 series
  • CM90 series

You can stream to YouTube with the cameras, without the need of additional equipment. To make this work, you will need to setup the camera as follows.

Youtube encoder preferences:


  • 1920 x 1080
  • Bitrate 4500 - 9000
  • I-Frame every 2 seconds
  • Audio codec: AAC or MP3
  • Constant Bitrate

  1. Login to the WebGui of the camera, by default with 
    • User: admin
    • Password: admin

  1. Go to the Audio tab and set


    1. Enable Audio (even if you do not plan to use the camera’s audio input)
    2. Encoding type: AAC
    3. Sample Rate 44100
    4. Sample Bits: 16
    5. Channel: Stereo

  1. Go to the Video Tab  and set the following settings under the Streaming Video menu

Streaming Video

    1. Enable stream
    2. Protocol Type: RTMP
    3. Host Address: ( can be found in your YouTube account )
    4. Host Port: 1935
    5. Stream Name: ( can be found in your YouTube account )

  1. Go to the Network tab and select the Ethernet Menu


    1. Make sure that the camera is set to either DHCP or a manual set address that is allowed to access internet on the local network.

  1. DNS settings menu


    1. Set a DNS server, you can use the default addresses or if you have no alternatives.

  1. Reboot the camera after changing these settings and you’ll be streaming live to Youtube. Please keep in mind that YouTube ads a considerable amount of latency to your stream.