(Video in English, French and Spanish)

In the Play Back tab (REC200 Web Gui) you can configure the settings in order to play back video as a stream. It works the same as streaming and recording, but in this case you can choose the files to be played back.

Playlist (See pic below)

1. Current Playlist : Select default or your own playlist (to add, see below)

2. Add Playlist : 

Add your own playlist

Delete Playlist : Delete the Playlist if you want to do that

Modifying Playlist : Add new recorded files or delete files

3. Delete Individual files : Delete Individual files from the playlist if required

4. Add Files : Add individual recorded files

*Note that if no USB/SD device is connected or there aren't any files on them, the pop-up window won't show any file to add (REC200 itself does not store any files):

5. Font Color :

The file will turn red if the file do not exist

The file will turn orange if the file contains an error or cannot be read.


Once you have all the files and/or a playlist to play back, go to the Output Settings section and "Authorize your device" if you wish to link the REC200 with your Google/Youtube account, or you can use a manual mode (UDP, RTMP, HLS, RTSP):

6. Mode : Youtube or manual (UDP, RTMP, HLS, RTSP)

7. Authorize your device (refer to page 18 of REC200 User Manual)

8. Privacy Status : Public or Private (Change it to public to play back the file to your audience)

9. Apply and Start Playback :

Click on APPLY to save the settings and make them effective.

After that click on Start Play Back

Ouput Settings

*** At the bottom of the STATUS webpage you can find the Play Back section with confirmation of the different settings, as an example:

Play Back