First please take into account the requirements given from Facebook:
(Resolution up to 1080P60 -see recommended bitrates according to chosen resolution-, CBR, RTMP or RTMPS, H.264, .mp4 .. Audio AAC, Stereo, 44,1 or 48 KHz sample rate, 128 kbps (preferred) to 256 kbps Audio bitrate..)
* If necessary: How do I go live on Facebook using streaming software?
Login into your Facebook account and click on LIVE VIDEO (under "What's on your mind?"):
In the 'Go Live' section (left column), click on Select :
Adjust your preferences (public, private etc), select Streaming Software, copy the Stream key (to paste it later on in the camera web GUI) and open the Advanced settings:
In Advanced settings, copy the Server URL (to paste it later on in the camera web GUI) :
* Note that if your left enabled the persistent stream key (PSK), you can re-use the same stream key across multiple live broadcasts.
Now login to the WebGui of your camera (by default at with credentials admin/admin):
Go to the Audio tab, enable the Audio and set some settings:
- Enable Audio (even if you do not plan to use the camera’s audio input)
- Encoding type: AAC
- Sample Rate 44100
- Sample Bits: 16
- Channel: Stereo
- Click SAVE !!
Go to the Video Tab and open the Video Encoder settings to be sure that your main stream (left column) matches the Facebook requirements as previously mentioned (resolution, frame rate..), click SAVE if you add any change!
Then in the Streaming tab, set the following settings :
- Enable stream
- Protocol Type: RTMP
- Host Address: ( paste the SERVER URL that you previously copied from your Facebook account )
- Host Port: 443
- Stream Name: ( paste the STREAM KEY that you previously copied from your Facebook account )
- Click SAVE !!
Make sure that the camera is set to either DHCP or a manual set address that is allowed to access internet on the local network (Note that here I changed the camera IP address to to match my network 192.168.1.x where my gateway is. If the gateway is not correct, the camera will not be able to connect to the internet!!)
Don´t forget to set some settings in the DNS tab:
Set a DNS server, you can use the default addresses or if you have no alternatives.
Reboot the camera after changing these settings and you should see your stream to on Facebook page:
Click on GO LIVE button to start to stream!!!
* Please keep in mind that Facebook adds a considerable amount of latency to your stream