The CamDirector® Teacher Tracker is designed to work with two Avonic CM70* cameras: an overview camera and a follow camera. The software uses the follow camera to track the teacher using Pan, Tilt, and Zoom functionalities, while the overview camera provides a stationary view of the entire stage. The system operates locally on the CD500 and only requires an internet connection for updates.

This chapter provides guidance on using the CamDirector® Teacher Tracker. The term "teacher" will be used to refer to the speaker throughout this chapter. For additional information, refer to the AV-CM70 series manual and the Basic CamDirector tips on our website.

Note: The CamDirector® only works with two identical camera models (two CM70-IP, CM70-NDI, CM71, or CM73 cameras). It will not function properly with two different models due to variations in field of view.

The functionality visible in the Web Interface depends on the licenses activated on your CD500. You can view the licenses on the Settings > Status page or on the Avonic website. Ensure you have reviewed the Quick Guide CD500 before proceeding, as we assume the CD500 and the two CM70-series cameras are already installed.

First-Time Setup

Configure the CD500:

  1. Open a browser and enter the default IP address:
  2. Log in with the following credentials:
    Username: admin
    Password: admin
  3. Navigate to Settings > Network and configure the network settings.
  4. Go to Teacher Tracker > Configurations and add the IP addresses of both cameras.
  5. Verify the Teacher Tracker License is activated under Licenses. If not, contact Avonic.
  6. Click Save and reboot the system. Once rebooted, the IP address will appear on the HDMI-connected screen. Log in again with the new IP address if applicable.
  7. Navigate to Settings > Status and check if a new firmware version is available. If so, follow the on-screen instructions.

CamDirector: Is a direct connection to the cameras mandatory? No, the 2 cameras can be connected to the network where the CamDirector® is also connected to but be sure to not have any bandwidth issue on your network)


For optimal performance, the two cameras must be calibrated with the CamDirector® Teacher Tracker.

  1. Navigate to Teacher Tracker > Calibration and follow the on-screen instructions.

  2. Ensure the cameras are turned on before starting the calibration process.

  3. It’s advisable to have two people for calibration: one in front of the camera (e.g., teacher) and one behind the computer guiding the person.

    Note: Any changes to the camera's position, Pan, Tilt, Zoom, or lighting conditions require re-calibration.

  4. Click Start Configuration:

    • Define the stage by setting the Pan, Tilt, and Zoom levels of the overview camera so the teacher can be seen in all positions.
    • Ensure only one person is in front of the camera for calibration.
  5. Click Start Calibration. The system will search for calibration points, indicated by a blinking green camera light. Move the person across the room or stage, covering all areas, until all 20 calibration points are found.

  6. If calibration is successful, the camera lights will turn solid green.

  7. After calibration, the Teacher Tracker toggle button will be automatically set to ON, and the software will be ready to follow the teacher.

Note: You cannot control the PTZ functionality or see video output via IP when the Teacher Tracker is ON.

For any updated information, please refer to the documentation available online

Before you start the calibration process, make sure:

- To have a specific IP address for the 2 cameras as well as for the CamDirector (see CamDirector® Quick Start Guide)

- To have a valid tracking teacher license in the CD500 web GUI: Setting > Status (contact Avonic if needed)

- To install the cameras in a fixed position and with a fixed configuration to the light conditions of the room (the cameras should not be moved or the configuration should be changed once the calibration process has started or after completing the calibration. Any changes made to the camera's position, pan, tilt, zoom, and/or light conditions require re-calibration of the Teacher Tracker software)

Calibration can be done with one person, but it is recommended to calibrate the software with two persons: one before the cameras and one behind the computer to configure the settings and to give instructions on where to stand in the room or podium.

(As a reminder, the CamDirector web GUI can be opened on the default IP address using the default username: admin, and Password: admin)

1. Click on Teacher Tracker > Calibration in the blue bar. You will see that picture below:

2. Click Start Configuration. Configure the Pan, tilt, and Zoom levels of the "Overview" camera as shown below (With regards to the "follow" camera, the zoom has been removed from a specific firmware release where the zoom level is now determined automatically by the system during the calibration)

Make sure that the person to be calibrated his or her face and upper body are fully visible in the shot (see picture below). Make also sure that the person to be calibrated is alone in front of the camera. With two or more persons (with their face) before the camera the software is not able to find a detection point and will wait until it has found one.

Overview camera

3. Click Start Calibration. At the bottom of the next page, a bar appears that is slowly turning full. The number of calibration points will increase during calibration:

Calibration procedure

* Press the abort button if you want to abort the calibration.

The camera will blink 4 times red when the calibration is in progress. If a calibration point is found, both the cameras are blinking green, and the person to be calibrated can then move to another position in the room or on the podium (see CamDirector: Calibration tally light status). Make sure to use the full width of the room or podium and take at least 5 calibration points in a sitting position on a chair. Repeat this until all calibration points (20) are found and completed.

And finally, the camera tally lights will be solid green if the calibration is successful and the software will automatically return to the configuration page.

4. Optionally navigate to Teacher Tracker > Audience and set the audience exclusion line (Click on the blue line at the bottom of the preview. You can drag the audience exclusion line up or down to exclude the people you want to exclude)

5. Go to Teacher Tracker > Info page and enable the Teacher Tracker toggle button. 

In less than 10mns, the Software is now ready to follow the teacher!

Tally Light Status

During the calibration of the Teacher tracker software, the tally light on both cameras can show different status with a very useful meaning as explained below (especially if the calibration is done with only one person):

CamDirector Calibration tally light status

CamDirector Calibration tally light status

* Sin release 1.0.10 Release (Dec 16, 2022) Tally light license is generated by the CamDirector. AV-LC70 license is no longer needed inside CM70-series cameras.

Light StatusMeaning
Solid RedCannot find calibration point
4 Blinks RedCalibration in progress
Blinking GreenCalibration point found
Solid GreenCalibration successful

Teacher Tracker: Exclusion Zones

The Exclusion Zones (formerly "Audience") page allows you to configure zones in the overview camera where detection should be excluded. For example, you can exclude students sitting in the audience or people appearing on a presentation screen behind the teacher. Use the two blue sliders to define exclusion zones from the top or bottom of the view.

This function is used to exclude audience which can be needed to prevent the Follow (tracking) camera to detect other people in the room (placed at the bottom area of the shot, like students in that picture below), therefore the software will only be following the teacher (the only one out of the audience exclusion zone)

In the Audience Exclusion page (web GUI: Teacher Tracker > Audience), click on the blue line at the bottom of the CamDirector preview to drag the audience exclusion line up (2 below) or down to exclude the people that you need to exclude from the tracking system and save the new setting. For instance:

CamDirector Audience exclusion

Make sure not to set this too high, it should never be above the waist of the teacher. 

Teacher Tracker: Tracking Configuration

The tracking configuration defines the parameters for the AI to operate the camera, including:

  • Zoom level to the presenter
  • Alignment height (entire body or upper body)

The tracking configuration is linked to exclusion zones. For instance, if a large exclusion zone covers the presenter’s legs, but the tracking configuration is set to a low height, it might cause the system to switch to overview mode.

Settings Overview

Settings > Status

The Status page displays:

  • Network addresses (IP, Netmask, Gateway, MAC Address)
  • Camera addresses (Overview and Follow Camera)
  • Factory reset button
  • License details
  • Software update button (re-calibration is unnecessary after updating).

An internet connection is required for updates, but the system can go offline afterward.

Settings > Network

Configure the cameras' IP addresses and the network settings here.

  1. Cameras
    Enter the IP addresses for both CM70 cameras. If incorrect, the Teacher Tracker will not function properly.
  2. Network Settings
    • System IP: IP address of the CD500
    • Netmask: Netmask address
    • Gateway: Gateway address

Can the CD500 controller be set to DHCP?

Yes in the CD500 web Gui (by default on, admin/admin) : Settings > System, you can enable the "Automatic Configuration (DHCP)" if you have one DHCP server in your local network (CD500 is not a DHCP server but a DHCP client). Cameras should be configured in the same way Network Settings

Save and reboot the system for changes to take effect.

Settings > Account

Change account settings like username and password.

How to reset the system

To reset the configuration of the Teacher Tracker software back to default settings:

- Log in to the Teacher Tracker web GUI (by default on, admin/admin): Settings tab > Status


The reset process will take some minutes before the controller and its web Gui will be available again (without any cameras assigned etc)

CamDirector: Can the cameras be controlled manually?

All the tracking is done automatically by the Teacher Tracker software (no manual mode available) however customers can disable the Teacher Tracker software (toggle button below in the CamDirector Teacher Tracker web GUI) and control the cameras from a PTZ controller when required (like with our AV-CON300-IP


* It is also possible to disable the Teacher Tracker by Visca over IP or HTTP API commands, see TCP and API commands CamDirector Teacher Tracker

Control solutions CamDirector Teacher Track

The CamDirector® Teacher Tracker can be controlled over IP (web GUI), with TCP commands or by HTTP API as detailed in "TCP and HTTP API commands" available online in the Download section of the CAMDIRECTOR® AI PROCESSING UNIT (CD500) and the CamDirector Teacher Tracker software (AV-CD-TRAC1):Downloads

TCP over IP

To control the camera this way, you need a TCP supported application, like 'Hercules SETUP utility' or 'Packet Sender' for example, and using these settings: TCP port 1260, and TCP address 1 (to replace the "x" in the command, for instance "81 02 01 6F 01 FF" if you want to use the "8x 02 01 6F 01 FF" command to start the tracking).

All TCP commands currently supported by the CamDirector are listed in the "TCP and HTTP API commands" document

(Note that these commands will only work from CamDirector® Teacher Tracker version 1.05!)


With the HTTP API you can control the CamDirector® Teacher Tracker by using a web browser like Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome for example.

To use the HTTP API you need to start the command with the CD500 IP address, for instance:

Below is the example of the "TeacherTracker" command set to "ON" to enable the teacher tracker:{"SetENV":{"TeacherTracker":"on"}}

All HTTP API commands currently supported by the CamDirector are listed in the "TCP and HTTP API commands" document

(Note that these commands will only work from CamDirector® Teacher Tracker version 1.05!)

* Having these above solutions of control, it is not planned to use the RS232 or RS485 ports available at the CD500

Basic CamDirector® tips

To ensure the best results, please follow these good practises :

  • SIZE: Minimum room width should be 4x4m

  • CAMERAS LOCATION: placed at a mininum distance of 4/5m from the speaker and as high as possible (ceiling, tripod..), free from any obstacle as from the passage of people. The whole kit should be set on a hard stable platform.

  • LIGHTING: very important to have sufficient light, not too bright or too dark. It is even recommended to configure the camera's exposure and white balance settings to match the room's lighting conditions to produce the best possible image (for instance in a room/studio context with artificial light, set into the camera web GUI the exposure to the AAE exposure mode closing the Iris a couple of steps (F2.8, F3.4..) that will create a deeper depth of field)

  • CALIBRATION: take the 20 calibration points (including 5 calibration points with a sitting/crouching position) in the TOTAL width and depth of the stage (or of the tracking area that you want to define). Do not move until the tally light blinks green ("Calibration point found"). Always make sure that the person to be calibrated his or her face and upper body are fully visible in the shot.

Still, to guarantee the best results, it is recommended not to wear light clothes against a light background or dark clothes against a dark background.

* If the Teacher Tracker software is not switching, check:

  • that the licenses are activated on the CD500 web GUI (Setting > Status).  

  • that the tracking feature is enabled in the CD500 web GUI (Teacher Tracker > Info) and that both cameras are LIVE

  • that the Audience exclusion zone (Tracker > Audience) has not been set above the waist of the teacher

  • if on stage there would be any object that would reflect the speaker or looking like a person that would make the software interpret that several people are on stage


The sales team has had an initial presentation of the CamDirector system. Below is a summary of the questions and suggestions provided. The idea is to create a sales FAQ we can use for customer meetings. 

Updated Q&A by Stephane:


Q: How does the software work?
A: Powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence), the Teacher Tracker software automatically finds the presenter on stage which will make the system switch to the FOLLOW (tracking) camera. No longer wear distracting equipment to be tracked!

Q: How can the AI detect someone on stage?
A: The AI will detect any human body like shapes

Q: When does the software switch automatically back to the Overview camera?
The software automatically switches back to the Overview camera (large shot) when it detects more than one person within the tracking zone (a stage for instance), or when the presenter leaves the tracking zone or if the presenter would walk faster than the tracking camera pan speed (instead of frantically trying to track the teacher, we deliberately limit the speed of the follow camera to maintain a pleasant watching experience)

Q: How to define this tracking zone?
A: This is defined by 20 points taken during the calibration process (software configuration) one after one. The aim is to take all these calibration points in all the width and depth of the tracking zone

Q: How long does the whole configuration take?
A: It is straightforward as you only need to assign a respective IP address to the 2 cameras and the CamDirector controller, then take 20 calibration points to define your tracking zone, which at the end can take ONLY 10 minutes in total!

Q: Can I configure the Teacher Tracker alone?
A: it is possible that only one person configures the Teacher Tracker: he just needs to start the calibration process and go on stage, then paying attention to the LEDs status and color on the front side of the camera he will know when to move to the next calibration point and when the whole configuration will be finally done

Q: What is the Hardware/Software setup?
A: The setup is composed of Hardware (2x CM70 series cameras, 1x wall mount MT220, 1x "CamDirector® AI Processing Unit" CD500) and Software (1x Teacher Tracker Life-time License)

Q: Does the Teacher Tracker need additional equipment to work?
A: No, no need to install anything else or to wear distracting equipment

Q: Why a tracking solution based on 2 cameras?
A: Especially for more demanding installations, the switching of that dual-camera tracking solution presents several pros: if a second teacher or a student joins the stage, we seamlessly switch to the Overview camera which ensure that the remote students don't miss any important details, plus this switching gives a pleasant and immersive viewing experience for the remote users

Q: What are the supported distances?
A: The Teacher Tracker AI Software tracks & switches automatically from 3/4m up to 55m (55m by utilizing the full 30x zoom range of our cameras)

Q: Which types of application is the teacher Tracker designed for?
A: Mostly for Education but also for any other application having one presenter to track even/especially within big rooms like auditoriums

Q: Can I send the tracking result to a video conference platform?
A: As the CamDirector output signal is HDMI and the usual ports on a PC are USB, then it would be priorly required to convert the HDMI signal to USB, please see the different solutions from our technological partner http://Inogeni.com 

Q: Can I use the Teacher Tracker to track a speaker in a boardroom?
A: No, but we are working on a Boardroom tracker solution (beta) that would capture the speakers in a room (with one microphone on the ceiling)

Q: Does the CamDirector have to be connected to the internet?
A: Most of the time the Teacher Tracker does not need to be connected to the internet, it will be only required if there would be some software updates to download or if the VPN support would be needed

Q: Should the CamDirector be connected to the local network?
A: No, it is not a requisite however having the CamDirector on the network would allow a remote management (reduce so human resources and especially the costs)

Q: How can I mount the cameras?
A: The Cameras are mounted on the double wall mount MT220, which could be attached to a wall, a truss or set on a large tripod.

Q: Can the two cameras be installed upside down?
A: Yes

Q: Should the camera be connected directly to the CamDirector?
A: Ideally yes but not necessary (however in that case be sure to have a reliable network with enough bandwidth)

Q: Does the CamDirector controller provide PoE to the cameras?
A: Yes (the maximum being 3 cameras which can be convenient when using the Multishot where it is possible to connect from 2 to 8 cameras)

Q: Does the customer have to install the Teacher Tracker software?
A: The "CamDirector AI Processing Unit" CD500 will be always delivered with its own web interface where it can be enabled (before being sent or even remotely) the Teacher Tracker module if the customer has bought his life-time Teacher Tracker license (same concept applies with the Multishot)

Q: Can the teacher Tracker software be installed on a tablet?
A: No, it can only be installed in the CamDirector controller (its web interface however can be opened in a web browser in a tablet)

Q: Is the Teacher Tracker license annual or perpetual?
A: The Teacher Tracker license is perpetual/life-time

Q: What should I do to update my Teacher Tracker license?
A: Get the CamDirector controller connected to the internet (with the appropriate ethernet configuration in the CamDirector web interface to get access to the gateway of the router) and click on "CHECK FOR UPDATES" on its web interface. The software will inform you if a newer version is available and will automatically download it, you will just need to click on "UPDATE NOW". Once installed, the CD500 should reboot.

Q: Can the Teacher Tracker license be updated offline?
A: No, the CamDirector controller (where the Teacher Tracker software is installed on) needs to be connected to the internet. If there would be some security concerns, it is possible to take that controller and connect it to another network

Q: Can I use the CamDirector controller for other purposes?
A: The switch can be used for other purposes, however we strongly advise not to use it at the same time as the TeacherTracker software

Q: Can the CD500 controller be set to DHCP?
A: Yes, if you have one DHCP server in your local network (Cameras should be configured in the same way)

Q: Can I use the other camera outputs?
A: Yes it would be still possible to use the other simultaneous camera outputs (HDMI, SDI, USB)

Q: Is the tracking speed and zoom adjustable?
A: No, this is the Teacher Tracker which defines the zoom of the tracking camera. The advantage of this is that it will provide an uniform image/result in all rooms, regardless of the distance to the speaker and the size of the room. You will always have the same consistent shot. The speed of the follow-camera is limited to be able to provide a comfortable viewing experience for the students.

Q: Is the tracking frame dimension adjustable?
A: Not officially but we can configure it in some very specific cases

Q: Is the speed of tracking adjustable?
A: No 

Q: Are PIP, logo or name overlays supported?
A: No, however it can be supported on the device/software that will handles the HDMI output stream from the CamDirector

Q: Will NDI be supported?
A: NDI is not interesting as it really has no functional benefit here

Q: What are the selling points of the Teacher Tracker?
A: Many! Installation is easy and quick, and its tracking result is smooth/nice, plus:
-Size support (from small classrooms to large auditoriums)
-Hassle-free lectures (no need to wear distracting equipment. Let teachers focus on teaching instead of technology!)
-Consistent and accurate tracking (even when the presenter is facing backward)
-Track and Switch TV-like experience (tracking is given in a calm and natural way, and the overview camera with shots of the room gives the viewers the experience of being present)
-Privacy Guaranteed (no need to be connected to the internet, no saved data, no picture to upload etc)


Q: How can we embed the audio?
A: The controller CD500 has an USB input port to embed the audio
(Audio will not work using the RCA IN/OUT ports or the Balanced Audio Ports on the CM70 series cameras)

Q: Is it possible to adjust the audio volume?
A: No

Q: Is it possible to adjust the audio delay?
A: No, there isn't any audio delay function and it is not needed


Q: 4K Support?
A: At the current time the Teacher Tracker only supports the CM70 series (CM70, CM71, CM73) with FHD resolution, not the CM90 series with 4K resolution.

Q: Other brands support?
A: Yes, the Teacher Tracker support Avonic camera (CM70 series) and some Sony cameras


Q: Can I control the cameras when the Teacher Tracker is enabled?
A: No, the cameras are normally completely under the control of the Camdirector Teacher Tracker, but if you disable the Teacher Tracker then the cameras can be used normally and controlled as in a setup without the Camdirector

Q: How can I control the Teacher Tracker?
A: By TCP (commands over IP) or by HTTP API (commands from a web browser), instructions and commands are given in the user manual
No control is possible via the CamDirector RS232 or RS485 ports (reserved for an eventual future use)

  • You can enable/disable the Teacher Tracker (if needed to use the Manual mode below), enable/disable the Privacy mode (to give some privacy to the teacher), and enable/disable the Manual mode to manually control the Follow and Overview cameras (from the respective camera web GUI or from a PTZ controller) or even to switch the video streams of both cameras.

  • Disabling the tracking function will leave the Overview camera shot in the HDMI output whereas enabling the Manual control leaves you the possibility to switch between the two cameras

Q: Can I use the GPIO ports?
A: No, they are reserved for an eventual future use


Q: Which communication protocol does the software use to control the cameras?
A: The Teacher Tracker uses TCP (whereas the Multishot uses UDP)

Q: Which video format does run the CamDirector?
A: CamDirector® uses H.265 video format. It should not be switched to H.264 for performance reasons.

Q: What is the latency of the CamDirector Teacher Tracker?
A: 1080p60 with 150 ms (typical) latency

Q: Is it possible to scale the output resolution?
A: No, it is a fixed 1080p60 resolution on the HDMI output of the CamDirector controller

Q: What is the HDMI level?
A: HDMI output is 2.0

Q: Is the CamDirector fanless?
A: Yes

Q: Is it possible to record directly in the CamDirector?
A: No

Q: Will Avonic install other softwares/modules on that CamDirector controller?
A: By now the CamDirector can run the Teacher Tracker and Multishot softwares and it is not excluded to have more in the future!

Q: Can the CamDirector controller be sold alone without any software?
A: Not at the current time

===================== CamDirector MULTISHOT

Q: What is the concept of the Multishot software?
A: The presenter (like a teacher) is in control of which preset is shown to the audience, eg. the blackboard, the audience, the (tracked) teacher, the overview of the room, etc

Q: Can it run without the Teacher Tracker?
A: Yes, the CamDirector MultiShot software module can extend the capabilities of the Teacher Tracker or can function just alone as a standalone IP video switcher with added intelligence

Q: What is the maximum number of presets supported by the Multishot?
A: The Multishot software can support up to 128 presets (including the 10 first presets reserved for the software)

Q: What is the maximum number of cameras that I can connect to the Multishot software?
A: Physically you can connect up to 8 cameras to the CamDirector controller (but technically the software can recognize more cameras in the same network)

Q: Can I add the Multishot module after having bought the Teacher Tracker?
A: Yes, you just need to contact your distributor to purchase it and then our team will enable remotely that module/license for you

Q: Can I use Multishot to replace a Conferencing system such as Bosch, Televic, Taiden..?
A: Potentially it can as it is able to respond to audio triggers 

(but latency difference between both solutions would have to be considered)

Q: What is the latency of the MultiShot?
A: Difficult to respond to that one as it will depend on what needs to happen in the background: if the camera needs to be put in position, if the teacher tracker has to be disabled...it can take several seconds before the switch is done but again depending on what needs to happen in the background

Q: Can the MultiShot software be installed on a tablet?
A: No, it can only be installed in the CamDirector controller, however the CamDirector web interface can be opened in a web browser in a tablet but still for administration purposes. For the end user the Multishot is aimed to be integrated in a 3rd party control solution

Q: How do I access the switching page?
A: From the URL http://CamDirector IP Address/#/multishot/switcher (officially reserved for tests and demos)

Q: How can I create a preset?
A: Go to Multishot module and recheck that it is disabled, click ADD NEW, label your preset, enter the camera IP address and click the arrow to open its live preview, define the shot/preset with the PTZ control and save!  

Q: What are the main differences between Teacher Tracker and Multishot?
A: Teacher Tracker works in a autonomous way (no user interaction) to track someone whereas Multishot waits for a user interaction or a trigger/command to switch to another shot

Q: Can I run the Multishot only with the two Teacher Tracker cameras?
A: Yes but the preset choice will be limited (but better than if you would have only 2 normal cameras):

  1. The Overview preset

  2. The Tracking preset (which can be the Overview camera or the Follow/tracking camera, depending on what's happening on stage)

  3. Preset(s) of the Follow camera (no presets possible on the Overview camera), in this case this will disable the Teacher Tracker but choosing the Tracking preset will enable again the Teacher Tracker function.

Q: What happens if I switch between two shots of the Follow camera?
A: It will make the multishot switch with the Overview camera (that plays as a "Full back shot"), as follows: Follow shot 1 --> Overview --> Follow shot 2

Q: Can the Multishot be configured to start with a default shot?
A: By default, if the teacher Tracker is running at same time then the default shot will be the tracking result (the Overview or the Follow camera, depending on what happens on stage), but if not the default shot will be the first configured one

Q: Can I configure a preset with no video but with a (company?) logo or a background color instead?
A: No

Q: What would be the main applications using the Multishot software?
A: Mainly Education, but also Government, Broadcast, Conferencing, Worship...

Q: Can it be automated?
A: By combining it with a DSP to send relevant commands to the MultiShot based on activated microphones, the system can be fully automated.


Q: 4K Support?
A: At the current time, the Multishot only supports the CM70 series (CM70, CM71, CM73) with FHD resolution, not the CM90 series with 4K resolution

Q: Other brands support?
A: At the current time the Multishot only supports Avonic camera but we should soon be able to support Sony cameras (to be reconfirmed)


Q: How can I control the Multishot?
A: You can control the Multishot software by HTTP or VISCA commands (over IP) available in the Multishot User Guide but also all HTTP and VISCA presets commands are given directly in the CamDirector web interface (easy & quick to copy/paste into your 3rd control solution!)

Q: What type of control can I do?
A: With the control commands, you can turn the Multishot on or off, request its status and/or choose which shot you'd like to switch to

Q:CamDirector: Are PIP, logo or name overlays supported?

A: No, however it can be supported on the device/software that will handles the HDMI output stream from the CamDirector

Q: CamDirector: Is the tracking speed and zoom adjustable?

A: No, this is the Teacher Tracker which defines the zoom of the tracking camera. The advantage of this is that it will provide a uniform image in all rooms, regardless of the distance to the speaker and the size room. You will always have the same consistent shot. The speed of the follow-camera is limited to be able to provide a comfortable viewing experience for the students. 

Q: CamDirector: Will NDI be supported?

A: NDI is not interesting as it really has no functional benefit here 

Q:CamDirector: Can the cameras be approached individually?

A: Yes, but keep in mind that the cameras are normally completely under the control of the CamDirector® and as such there is nothing to do with them beyond the functionality they have in conjunction with the main unit. Of course, if the CamDirector® is not active, the cameras can be used normally as in a setup without Camdirector.

Customer Support

  1. Navigate to Customer Support in the blue sidebar.
  2. Enable the VPN feature (requires an active internet connection). The VPN will automatically disable after one month.
  3. Download log files as needed.
  4. Use the Image Logger to download image logs. These files can be large (up to 2GB). Specify a date and time range for automatic downloads.

For further assistance, please refer to our website for additional resources and firmware updates.