
The CamDirector® can be controlled using TCP by sending commands over an IP connection. Upon receiving commands, the CamDirector® or camera sends ACK (Acknowledgment) and COM (Completion) messages, confirming that the command has been received and executed.

The following sections document the TCP commands for controlling the CamDirector® and using VISCA commands via the WebInterface.

TCP over IP - Using CamDirector® Commands

The CamDirector® operates as a TCP server on port 1260. To control the CamDirector®, you'll need a TCP-supported application like Hercules SETUP Utility or Packet Sender. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the TCP Application.
  2. Enter the CamDirector® IP Address and TCP port 1260, then connect.
  3. Once the connection is established, the client can send PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) commands to the CamDirector® server, which will parse and execute them.
  4. Send Commands to the CamDirector®, and observe the return messages to verify successful execution.
  5. Check the WebInterface to confirm command execution.

Default Settings:

  • TCP Port: 1260
  • TCP Address: 1

Command Example: TCP (Focus Near)

The image below illustrates an example of a TCP command (Focus Near) and its return responses. In the Receive Message section, the green RX commands represent:

  • ACK: Confirmation of command receipt.
  • COM: Confirmation of command completion.

You can find a list of these commands in the CamDirector® Return Commands section.

CamDirector® Return Commands

All parameter values are in HEX. Here's an overview of ACK/Completion and Error Commands:

CommandFunctionCommand PacketComments
ACKCommand accepted90 41 FFReturned when the command is accepted.
CompletionCommand executed90 51 FFReturned after the command is executed successfully.
Syntax ErrorCommand format incorrect90 60 02 FFReturned when illegal parameters are sent.
Command Buffer FullBuffer occupied90 60 03 FFIndicates two sockets are already in use.
Command CanceledCommand execution canceled90 61 04 FFNo completion message is returned for canceled commands.
No SocketInvalid socket number90 61 05 FFReturned when a command is executed on a non-existent socket.
Command Not ExecutableCommand not executable90 6y 41 FFOccurs when conditions prevent command execution, such as receiving manual focus commands during autofocus.

CamDirector® Control Commands

All parameter values are in HEX. Ensure you have the latest version of CamDirector® Teacher Tracker software (version 1.05 or higher) to use these commands. Update your software via the WebInterface (Settings > Status > Software), and click Update Now.

FunctionCommandCommand PacketComments
Privacy Mode OnEnable Privacy Mode81 00 01 6F 01 FFActivates Privacy Mode, displaying a black screen.
Privacy Mode OffDisable Privacy Mode81 00 01 6F 00 FFDeactivates Privacy Mode.
Manual Control OnEnable Manual Control81 01 01 6F 01 FFActivates manual control of cameras.
Manual Control OffDisable Manual Control81 01 01 6F 00 FFDeactivates manual control of cameras.
Switch StreamsSwitch camera streams81 01 01 6F 02 FFSwitches between overview and follow cameras.
Tracking OnEnable Tracking81 02 01 6F 01 FFActivates tracking functionality.
Tracking OffDisable Tracking81 02 01 6F 00 FFDeactivates tracking functionality.
MultiShot OnEnable MultiShot81 20 01 04 00 02 FFActivates MultiShot mode.
MultiShot OffDisable MultiShot81 20 01 04 00 03 FFDeactivates MultiShot mode.
Switch to PresetSwitch camera to preset position81 20 01 04 3F 02 <pp> FFSwitches to a preset (pp: 01-80 HEX, 1-128 DEC).
RebootReboot MultiShot81 20 0A 01 06 01 FFReboots the MultiShot software.
Return StatusRetrieve MultiShot status81 20 09 04 00 FFReturns the status of MultiShot.


A valid license is required to use some software modules. Check the licenses you have purchased in the WebInterface by navigating to Settings > Status > Licenses.


  • Important: Ensure the latest CamDirector® Teacher Tracker software (version 1.05 or higher) is installed to utilize Teacher Tracker commands.
  • Caution: Always verify you have the necessary updates via the WebInterface (Settings > Status > Firmware) and click Update Now if needed.