VISCA is a professional camera control protocol used with PTZ cameras. It works by sending commands to the camera either over a serial or an IP connection, in return the camera sends ACK acknowledgment and COM completion answers to let the sender know the commands have been received and completed. The list below describes the commands, ranges, and camera answers.

VISCA over Serial Connection

VISCA is based on RS232 Serial communications at 9600 bit/s, 8N1, no flow control. VISCA uses a serial repeater network configuration to communicate between the controller (device #0) and up to 7 peripherals (#1 through #7). The daisy chain cable configuration means that a message walks the chain until it reaches the target device identified in the data packet. Responses then walk the rest of the way down the chain and back up again to reach the sender. Some packets are broadcast to all devices.

A command data packet consists of:

  • Address byte (1) message header
  • Information bytes (1..14)
  • Terminating byte (1) 0xFF


Avonic IP cameras are implemented with a TCP and a UDP server. The TCP as well as the UDP port are by default set to port 1259. The default VISCA address setting is always 1 when using VISCA over IP. As all cameras are uniquely identified by their IP address, all VISCA addresses are set to 1, and serial addressing plays no part.

For VISCA over IP, every command starts with 81 xx xx xx.

Default settings:

  • TCP port: 1259
  • UDP port: 1259
  • VISCA address: 1

VISCA over IP using the full Sony VISCA protocol

All Avonic cameras are capable of being controlled using the UDP Sony version of VISCA consisting of long VISCA commands, including headers and message counters. This allows the camera to respond with the same header counter used in the command, making it possible to match each response to its command. This is particularly helpful for programming automated camera control systems.

VISCA over IP Header Details:

The 4th byte indicates the length of the payload (VISCA command). Using the Preset Recall 1 example:

  • 01000007000000018101013F0201FF: 4th byte is '7', meaning the payload is 7 bytes.
  • Message counter is in the 8th byte, set to '1' in this case.
  • For Preset 2: 01000007000000058101013F0202FF, message counter is '5'.

Camera Return Commands

All parameter values are in HEX:

  • x = Camera Address
  • y = Socket Number
  • z = Camera Address + 8

CommandFunctionCommand PacketComments
Address SetBroadcast88 30 01 FFAddress setting
CAM_PowerOn8x 01 04 00 02 FFPower ON
Off8x 01 04 00 03 FFPower OFF
Reboot8x 0A 01 06 01 FFReboot
CAM_ZoomStop8x 01 04 07 00 FF
Tele (Standard speed)8x 01 04 07 02 FF
Wide (Standard speed)8x 01 04 07 03 FF
Tele (Variable speed)8x 01 04 07 2p FFp = 0(low speed) -F(high speed)
Wide (Variable speed)8x 01 04 07 3p FFp = 0(low speed) -F(high speed)
Direct8x 01 04 47 0p 0q 0r 0s FFpqrs(0-F): Zoom Position
Zoom Wide ~ Tele00 00 00 00 ~ 04 00 00 00 (PQRS)pqrs(0-F): Zoom Position
CAM_FocusStop8x 01 04 08 00 FF
Far (Standard speed)8x 01 04 08 02 FF
Near (Standard speed)8x 01 04 08 03 FF
Far (Variable speed)8x 01 04 08 2p FFp = 0(low) - F(high)
Near (Variable speed)8x 01 04 08 3p FFp = 0(low) - F(high)
Direct Focus Position8x 01 04 48 0p 0q 0r 0s FFmin p = 0, q = 0, r = 0, s = 0 max p = 0, q = 6, r = E, s =A
Auto Focus8x 01 04 38 02 FFAF On AF Off AF Toggle On/Off
Manual Focus8x 01 04 38 03 FFAF On AF Off AF Toggle On/Off
Auto/Manual8x 01 04 38 10 FFAF On AF Off AF Toggle On/Off
OnePush mode8x 01 04 38 04 FFAF On AF Off AF Toggle On/Off
OnePush trigger8x 01 04 18 01 FFAF On AF Off AF Toggle On/Off
Focus Near ~ FarVariable ~ 00 00 00 00 (PQRS)pqrs: Focus Position
CAM_WBAuto8x 01 04 35 00 FFNormal Auto
Indoor mode8x 01 04 35 01 FFIndoor mode
Outdoor mode8x 01 04 35 02 FFOutdoor mode
OnePush mode8x 01 04 35 03 FFOne Push WB mode
OnePush trigger8x 01 04 10 05 FFOne Push WB Trigger
Manual8x 01 04 35 05 FFManual Control mode
CommandFunctionCommand PacketComments
CAM_BgainReset8x 01 04 04 00 FFManual Control of BGain
Up8x 01 04 04 02 FFManual Control of BGain
Down8x 01 04 04 03 FFManual Control of BGain
Direct8x 01 04 44 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: B Gain
CAM_RgainReset8x 01 04 03 00 FFManual Control of RGain
Up8x 01 04 03 02 FFManual Control of RGain
Down8x 01 04 03 03 FFManual Control of RGain
Direct8x 01 04 43 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: R Gain
CAM_AEFull Auto8x 01 04 39 00 FFAutomatic Exposure mode
Manual8x 01 04 39 03 FFManual Control mode
Shutter priority8x 01 04 39 0A FFShutter Priority Automatic Exposure mode
Iris priority8x 01 04 39 0B FFIris Priority Automatic Exposure mode
Bright8x 01 04 39 0D FFBright Mode (Manual control)
CAM_IrisReset8x 01 04 0B 00 FFIris Setting (CAM_AE isset to Manual)
Up8x 01 04 0B 02 FFIris Setting (CAM_AE isset to Manual)
Down8x 01 04 0B 03 FFIris Setting (CAM_AE isset to Manual)
Direct Iris Position8x 01 04 4B 00 00 0p 0q FF(Manual and Iris Priority) min p = 0 q = 0 max p = 0, q = C
CAM_ShutterDirect8x 01 04 4A 00 00 0p 0q FFmin p = 0 q = 0 max p = 1 q = 0
CAM_GainReset8x 01 04 0C 00 FFGain Setting
Direct8x 01 04 0C 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Gain Position 0 ~ 20 (0 = 00 HEX) Manual exposure
Gain Limit8x 01 04 2C 0p FFp: Gain Position 0 ~ 15 (0 = 00 HEX) Auto exposure

(only works with exposure mode Bright enabled)
Reset8x 01 04 0D 00 FFBright Setting
Up8x 01 04 0D 02 FFBright Setting
Down8x 01 04 0D 03 FFBright Setting
Direct8x 01 04 0D 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Bright Position (0 ~ 23 max p = 1 and q = 7)

(EV and EV Level)
On8x 01 04 3E 02 FFExposure Compensation On/Off
Off8x 01 04 3E 03 FFExposure Compensation On/Off
Reset8x 01 04 0E 00 FFExposure Compensation Amount Setting
Up8x 01 04 0E 02 FFExposure Compensation Amount Setting
Down8x 01 04 0E 03 FFExposure Compensation Amount Setting
Direct8x 01 04 4E 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: ExpComp Position (min pq = 0 max pq = 0E)
CAM_BackLightOn8x 01 04 33 02 FFBack Light Compensation On/Off
Off8x 01 04 33 03 FFBack Light Compensation On/Off
CAM_NR(2D)Level-8x 01 04 53 0p FFp: NR Setting (0: Off, level 1 to 7, 8 = AUTO)
CAM_NR(3D)Level-8x 01 04 54 0p FFp: NR Setting (0: Off, level 1 to 8)
CommandFunctionCommand PacketComments
CAM_Flicker-8x 01 04 23 0p FFp: Flicker Settings (0: Off, 1: 50Hz, 2: 60Hz)
CAM_DHotPixel-8x 01 04 56 0p FFp: Dynamic Hot Pixel Setting (0: 0ff, level 1 to 5)

Reset8x 01 04 02 00 FFAperture Control
Up8x 01 04 02 02 FFAperture Control
Down8x 01 04 02 03 FFAperture Control
Direct8x 01 04 42 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Aperture Gain
CAM_PictureEffectOff8x 01 04 63 00 FFPicture Effect Setting
B&W8x 01 04 63 04 FFPicture Effect Setting

Reset8x 01 04 3F 00 pp FFpp: Memory Number (=0 to 127)
Set8x 01 04 3F 01 pp FFpp: Memory Number (=0 to 127)
Recall8x 01 04 3F 02 pp FFpp: Memory Number (=0 to 127)
CAM_LR_ReverseOn8x 01 04 61 02 FFImage Flip Horizontal On/Off
Off8x 01 04 61 03 FFImage Flip Horizontal On/Off
CAM_PictureFlipOn8x 01 04 66 02 FFImage Flip Vertical On/Off
Off8x 01 04 66 03 FFImage Flip Vertical On/Off

(CM70 series ONLY)
Freeze ON8x 04 04 62 02 FFFreeze ON immediately
Freeze OFF8x 04 04 62 03 FFFreeze OFF immediately
Preset Freeze ON8x 04 04 62 22 FFFreeze ON when running preset
Preset Freeze OFF8x 04 04 62 23 FFFreeze OFF when running preset
SYS_MenuOff8x 01 06 06 03 FFTurns the OSD menu On/Off
On8x 01 06 06 02 FFTurns the OSD menu On/Off
CAM_ColorGainDirect8x 01 04 49 00 00 00 0P FFp: Color Gain setting 0h (60%) to Eh (200%)
CommandFunctionCommand PacketComments
Pan_tiltDriveUp8x 01 06 01 VV WW 03 01 FFVV: Pan speed 0x01(low speed) to 0x18 (high speed) WW: Tilt speed 0x01(low speed) to 0x14 (high speed) YYYY: Pan Position ZZZZ: Tilt Position
Down8x 01 06 01 VV WW 03 02 FF
Left8x 01 06 01 VV WW 01 03 FF
Right8x 01 06 01 VV WW 02 03 FF
Upleft8x 01 06 01 VV WW 01 01 FF
Upright8x 01 06 01 VV WW 02 01 FF
DownLeft8x 01 06 01 VV WW 01 02 FF
DownRight8x 01 06 01 VV WW 02 02 FF
Stop8x 01 06 01 VV WW 03 03 FF
AbsolutePosition8x 01 06 02 VV WW 0Y 0Y 0Y 0Y 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z FF
RelativePosition8x 01 06 03 VV WW 0Y 0Y 0Y 0Y 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z FF
Pan range: -170° ~ +170°0F 06 07 00 ~ 50 00 09 09 (YYYY)
Tilt range: -30° ~ +90°0F 0E 04 05 ~ 00 05 01 00 (ZZZZ)
Home8x 01 06 04 FF
Reset8x 01 06 05 FF
Pan_tiltLimitSetLimitSet8x 01 06 07 00 0W 0Y 0Y 0Y 0Y 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z FFW: 1 UpRight 0: Down-Left YYYY: Pan Limit Position ZZZZ: Tilt Position
LimitClear8x 01 06 07 01 0W 07 0F 0F 0F 07 0F 0F 0F FFW: 1 UpRight 0: Down-Left YYYY: Pan Limit Position ZZZZ: Tilt Position
CAM_AFSensitivityHigh8x 01 04 58 01 FFAF Sensitivity High/Normal/Low
Normal8x 01 04 58 02 FFAF Sensitivity High/Normal/Low
Low8x 01 04 58 03 FFAF Sensitivity High/Normal/Low
CAM_SettingResetReset8x 01 04 A0 10 FFReset Factory Setting
CAM_BrightnessDirect8x 01 04 A1 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Brightness Position
CAM_ContrastDirect8x 01 04 A2 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Contrast Position
CAM_FlipOff8x 01 04 A4 00 FFSingle Command For Video Flip
Flip-H8x 01 04 A4 01 FFSingle Command For Video Flip
Flip-V8x 01 04 A4 02 FFSingle Command For Video Flip
Flip-HV8x 01 04 A4 03 FFSingle Command For Video Flip
CAM_AutoflipAutoflip ON8x 01 02 70 02 FFAutoflip ON
Autoflip OFF8x 01 02 70 03 FFAutoflip OFF
CAM_SettingSaveSave8x 01 04 A5 10 FFSave Current Setting
CAM_IridixDirect8x 01 04 A7 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Iridix Position
CAM_AWBSensitivityHigh8x 01 04 A9 00 FFHigh
Normal8x 01 04 A9 01 FFNormal
Low8x 01 04 A9 02 FFLow
CAM_AFZoneFront Focus8x 01 04 AA 00 FFAF Zone select
Back Focus8x 01 04 AA 01 FFAF Zone select
Meeting8x 01 04 AA 02 FFAF Zone select
Moving Objects8x 01 04 AA 03 FFAF Zone select
Center Focus8x 01 04 AA 04 FFAF Zone select
CAM_ColorHueDirect8x 01 04 4F 00 00 00 0p FFp: Color Hue setting0h (# 14 degrees) to Eh (+14 degrees
Pan-tilt_MaxSpeedHigh SpeedPan/Tilt ON8x 0A 01 31 03 FFHigh Speed PTON
High SpeedPan/Tilt OFF8x 0A 01 31 02 FFHigh Speed PTOFF
ARM/MCU_VersionInquiry ARM/MCU Version8x 09 0A 01 03 FFReturned version in HEX, for example: 02 05 00 (version 2.5.0)
CAM/UVC_VersionInquiry Cam/UVC version8x 09 00 02 FFReturned version in HEX, for example: 02 05 09 (version 2.5.9)

(Cm7x only with license active)
Red8x 01 7E 01 0A 00 02 03 FFTally Light RedON
Green8x 01 7E 01 0A 00 03 02 FFTally Light GreenON
Off8x 01 7E 01 0A 00 03 03 FFTally Light OFF
Preset_H_SpeedHorizontal (Pan) speed between presets8x 01 03 01 qq FFqq= speed setting1 ~ 25 (1 = 00 HEX, 25 = 18 HEX)
Preset_V_SpeedVertical (Tilt) speed between presets8x 01 03 02 qq FFqq = speed setting1 ~ 21 (1 = 00 HEX, 21 = 14 HEX)
Preset_Z_SpeedZoom speed between presets8x 01 03 03 qq FFqq = speed setting1 ~ 8 (1 = 00 HEX, 8 = 07 HEX)

(autowhitebalance active)
more or less blue while maintaining auto white balance active8x 0A 01 13 pp FFpp = setting -10 ~ +10(00~14 HEX)

(autowhitebalance active)
more or less red while maintaining auto white balance active8x 0A 01 12 pp FFpp = setting -10 ~ +10(00~14 HEX)
CommandFunctionCommand PacketComments

(CM40 series: It is possible to set the video format, but since the video format is dictated by the computer the camera is connected with, the picture will NOT change to that format.)

8x 01 06 35 00 pp FFpp: Video Format
00: 1080p60
720p50 1080p30 1080p25

(CM93 exclusive, AV- LC90-1 license required)
Tracking ON81 0A 01 32 00 00 02 00 FFTracking ON
Tracking OFF81 0A 01 32 00 00 03 00 FFTracking OFF
CommandFunctionCommand PacketComments
CAM_ZoomPosInq8x 09 04 47 FF90 50 0p 0q 0r 0s FFpqrs: Zoom Position
CAM_FocusAFModeInq8x 09 04 38 FF90 50 02 FFAuto Focus
90 50 03 FFManual Focus
90 50 04 FFOnePush Focus
CAM_FocusPosInq8x 09 04 48 FF90 50 0p 0q 0r 0s FFpqrs: Focus Position
CAM_WBModeInq8x 09 04 35 FF90 50 00 FFAuto
90 50 01 FFIndoor mode
90 50 02 FFOutdoor mode
90 50 03 FFOnePush mode
90 50 05 FFManual
CAM_RGainInq8x 09 04 43 FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: R Gain
CAM_BGainInq8x 09 04 44 FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: B Gain

(CM70 series ONLY)
8x 09 04 0C FF90 50 00 FFManual Exposure Direct Gain
CAM_AEModeInq8x 09 04 39 FF90 50 00 FFFull Auto
90 50 03 FFManual
90 50 0A FFShutter priority
90 50 0B FFIris priority
90 50 0D FFBright
CAM_ShutterPosInq8x 09 04 4A FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Shutter Position
CAM_IrisPosInq8x 09 04 4B FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Iris Position
CAM_BrightPosInq8x 09 04 4D FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Bright Position
CAM_ExpComp-ModeInq8x 09 04 3E FF90 50 02 FFOn
90 50 03 FFOff
CAM_ExpCompPosInq8x 09 04 4E FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: ExpComp Position
CAM_Backlight-ModeInq8x 09 04 33 FF90 50 02 FFOn
90 50 03 FFOff
CAM_Noise2DLevel8x 09 04 53 FF90 50 0p FFNoise Reduction (2D) p: 0 to 7, 8 = AUTO
CAM_Noise3DLevel8x 09 04 54 FF90 50 0p FFNoise Reduction (3D) p: 0 to 8
CAM_FlickerModeInq8x 09 04 55 FF90 50 0p FFp: Flicker Settings(0: OFF, 1: 50Hz, 2: 60Hz)

8x 09 04 05 FF90 50 02 FFAuto Sharpness
90 50 03 FFManual Sharpness
CAM_ApertureInq(Sharpness)8x 09 04 42 FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Aperture Gain
CAM_PictureEffectModeInq8x 09 04 63 FF90 50 00 FFColor
90 50 04 FFB&W
CommandFunctionCommand PacketComments
CAM_MemoryInq8x 09 04 3F FF90 50 0p FFp: Memory (Preset) number last operated.
SYS_MenuModeInq8x 09 06 06 FF90 50 02 FFOn
90 50 03 FFOff
CAM_LR_ReverseInq8x 09 04 61 FF90 50 02 FFOn
90 50 03 FFOff
CAM_PictureFlipInq8x 09 04 66 FF90 50 02 FFOn
90 50 03 FFOff
CAM_ColorGainInq8x 09 04 49 FF90 50 00 00 00 0p FFp: Color Gain setting 0h (60%) to Eh (200%)
CAM_BTuningInq81 09 0A 01 13 FF90 50 pp FFpp = setting -10 ~ +10 (00~14 HEX)
CAM_RTuningInq81 09 0A 01 12 FF90 50 pp FFpp = setting -10 ~ +10 (00~14 HEX)

(CM40 series: It is possible to set the video format, but since the computer dictates the video format the camera is connected with, the picture will not change to that format.)
8x 09 06 23 FF90 50 00 FF1920x1080p60
90 50 01 FF1920x1080p50
90 50 02 FF1920x1080i60
90 50 03 FF1920x1080i50
90 50 04 FF1280x720p60
90 50 05 FF1280x720p50
90 50 06 FF1920x1080p30
90 50 07 FF1920x1080p25
90 50 08 FF1280x720p30
90 50 09 FF1280x720p25
90 50 0A FF1920x1080p59.94
90 50 0B FF1920x1080i59.94
90 50 0C FF1280x720p59.94
90 50 0D FF1920x1080p29.97
90 50 0E FF1280x720p29.97
Pan-tiltMaxSpeedInq8x 09 06 11 FF90 50 ww zz FFww: Pan Max Speed zz: Tilt Max Speed
Pan-tiltPosInq8x 09 06 12 FF90 50 0w 0w 0w 0w 0z 0z 0z 0z FFwwww: Pan Position zzzz: Tilt Position
CAM_GainLimitInq8x 09 04 2C FF90 50 0q FFp: Gain Limit
90 50 07 FFAuto exposure
CAM_DHotPixelInq8x 09 04 56 FF90 50 0q FFp: Dynamic Hot Pixel Setting (0: 0ff, level 1 to 6)
CAM_AFSensitivityInq8x 09 04 58 FF90 50 01 FFHigh
90 50 02 FFNormal
CAM_AFSensitivityInq8x 09 04 58 FF90 50 03 FFLow
CAM_BrightnessInq8x 09 04 A1 FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Brightness Position
CAM_ContrastInq8x 09 04 A2 FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Contrast Position
CommandFunctionCommand PacketComments
CAM_FlipInq8x 09 04 A4 FF90 50 00 FFOff
90 50 01 FFFlip-H
90 50 02 FFFlip-V
90 50 03 FFFlip-HV
CAM_IridixInq8x 09 04 A7 FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Iridix Position
CAM_AFZone8x 09 04 AA FF90 50 00 FFFront Focus
90 50 01 FFBack Focus
90 50 02 FFMeeting
90 50 03 FFMoving Objects
90 50 04 FFCenter Focus
CAM_ColorHueInq8x 09 04 4F FF90 50 00 00 00 0p FFp: Color Hue setting 0h (#14 degrees) to Eh (+14 degrees)
CAM_AWBSensitivityInq81 09 04 A9 FF90 50 00 FFHigh
90 50 01 FFNormal
90 50 02 FFLow
CAM_ZoomPosInq8x 09 04 47 FF90 50 0p 0q 0r 0s FFpqrs: Zoom Position
CAM_FocusAFModeInq8x 09 04 38 FF90 50 02 FFAuto Focus
90 50 03 FFManual Focus
CAM_FocusPosInq8x 09 04 48 FF90 50 0p 0q 0r 0s FFpqrs: Focus Position
CommandFunctionCommand PacketComments
CAM_WBModeInq8x 09 04 35 FF90 50 00 FFAuto
90 50 01 FFIndoor mode
90 50 02 FFOutdoor mode
90 50 03 FFOnePush mode
90 50 05 FFManual
CAM_RGainInq8x 09 04 43 FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: R Gain
90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: B Gain
CAM_AEModeInq8x 09 04 39 FF90 50 00 FFFull Auto
90 50 03 FFManual
90 50 0A FFShutter priority
90 50 0B FFIris priority
90 50 0D FFBright
CAM_ShutterPosInq8x 09 04 4A FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Shutter Position
CAM_IrisPosInq8x 09 04 4B FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Iris Position
CAM_BrightPosInq8x 09 04 4D FF90 50 00 00 0p 0q FFpq: Bright Position
CAM_PowerInq8x 09 04 00 FFy0 50 02 FFOn
y0 50 03 FF OffOff (Standby)